About Dr. Rojas
Dr. Rojas completed his undergraduate academic formation at the Biology Department of the University of Costa Rica and his graduate studies at the Department of Biological Sciences of the University of Arkansas. His research has taken place in North, Central and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. However, his current (2023-2026) research interests are centered in urban ecology, food security strategies and ecosystem service quantification within Latin America.
Even though microbial dynamics in the context of ecosystem functioning is what Dr. Rojas has focused mostly on during his career, he also has research and academic interests in forest dynamics, ethnobiology, food security, climate change and sustainable cities in tropical landscapes. From a teaching perspective he is trying to increase the literacy level of environmental sciences in engineer majors and attempting to implement effective strategies of science communication to the general public in order to strengthen the technical formation of the next generation of decision-makers.
For extra information please visit his Research Gate or Google Scholar profiles.
Even though microbial dynamics in the context of ecosystem functioning is what Dr. Rojas has focused mostly on during his career, he also has research and academic interests in forest dynamics, ethnobiology, food security, climate change and sustainable cities in tropical landscapes. From a teaching perspective he is trying to increase the literacy level of environmental sciences in engineer majors and attempting to implement effective strategies of science communication to the general public in order to strengthen the technical formation of the next generation of decision-makers.
For extra information please visit his Research Gate or Google Scholar profiles.
Mardones M, Rojas C. 2024. El curioso caso de los hongos de Coto Brus y Osa, Costa Rica. Funga Latina 2: V2A6.
Rodríguez Quesada J, Rodríguez Mora K, Bernal-Samaniego CA, Jirón-García EJ, Rojas-Alvarado C. 2024. Development of Nanocellulose Hydrogels from Sargassum Seaweed as Controlled Nutrient Release Systems and their Application in Germination. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 25(11): 308–320.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2024. Fungal conservation through a private initiative: the Mushroom Research Centre (MRC) in Thailand. MycoAsia 2024/03.
Rojas C, Rojas PA. 2024. Nutrient cycling and carbon dynamics in an early successional forest in Turrialba, Costa Rica. InterSedes (in press).
Guzmán-Vindas G, Méndez-García M, Rojas C. 2024. El fenómeno ENSO y la precipitación de la Zona Protectora Monte Alto, Costa Rica. Revista Ingeniería 34: 1-6.
Rojas C, Doss RG. 2023. The power of teaming up: three stories of directed research in mycology. Funga Latina 1: V1A1.
Rojas C, Rojas PA, Méndez-García M. 2023. Myxomycetes of the Monte Alto Protected Zone in Costa Rica: a case study. Slime Molds 4: V4A9.
Coto-López C. Mardones-Hidalgo M, Aguilar-Álvarez R, Rojas C. 2023. ¿Podría un biomaterial hecho con Pleurotus ostreatus funcionar como filtro de agua? Funga Latina 1: V1A2.
Rojas C, Arroyo I, Doss RG. 2023. Ethnomycology, bioprospection and uses of mushrooms in Costa Rica. In: Semwal K.Ch., Stephenson S.L., Husen A., (eds). Wild mushrooms and health: diversity, phytochemistry, medicinal benefits and cultivation. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
Rojas C, Valverde R. 2022. Results of myxomycete experiments could be affected by temperature in “standard” laboratory conditions. Karstenia 60(1-2): 39-48
Rojas C, Valverde R, Rojas PA. 2022. Myxomycetes associated with three different types of Neotropical urban landscapes. Studies in Fungi 7:14.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2022. Myxomycetes associated with bryophyte mats in San Ramón, Costa Rica. Slime Molds 3: V3A6.
Rojas C, Rollins AW. 2022. The role of sampling methodology and site selection on myxomycete data from the Neotropics. Studies in Fungi 7(2): doi: 10.48130/SIF-2022-0002.
Morales RE, Rojas C. 2022. Mixomicetes asociados con Avicennia germinans y Laguncularia racemosa en el manglar del Amatal, El Salvador. Revista Minerva 5(2): 59-66.
Rojas C, García-Chaves MC. 2022. New records of myxomycetes (Amoebozoa) from Colombia. Journal of New Biological Reports 11 (1): 10–15.
Rojas C, Valverde R. 2022. Rapid assessment of myxomycetes in Isla Calero and Isla Brava, Costa Rica. Slime Molds 2: V2A11.
Leontyev DV, Schnittler M, Ishchenko Y, Quade A, Kahlert H, Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2022. Another species complex in myxomycetes: diversity of peridial structures in Lycogala epidendrum. Nova Hedwigia 114: 413-434.
Rojas C, Rollins AW, Valverde R. 2021. Generation of myxomycete data from three discrete experiments using moist chamber cultures in a Neotropical forest. Studies in Fungi 6: 450-459.
Kryvomaz T, Tran HTM, Rojas C. 2021. Uses, applications, and disciplinary integration using myxomycetes. En: Rojas C, Stephenson SL (Eds.) Myxomycetes: Biology, Systematics, Ecology and Biogeography. 2nd Ed. Academic Press, Londres. 493-531 p.
Salazar-Hernández B, Rojas C, Andrade-Torres A, Medel R. 2021. New records of myxomycetes for the state of Veracruz from Cofre de Perote National Park. Slime Molds 2: V2A1.
Leonardo-Silva L, Moreira IC, Camilo-Cotrim CF, Rojas C, Xavier-Santos S. 2021. Ecological aspects of myxomycete assemblages in two Brazilian Cerrado landscapes. Slime Molds 1: V1A8.
Salazar-Hernández B, Valverde R, Rojas C. 2021. A study case of two myxomycete surveys in a fir forest of central Mexico. Slime Molds 1: V1A5.
Arenas-Taborda A, García-Gaves MC, Niño-García JP, Rojas C. 2021. Myxomycete assemblage turnover across a moisture and elevation gradient in Costa Rica. Slime Molds 1: V1A4.
Rojas C, Rojas PA, Nakajima S, Doss RG, Rodríguez K. 2021. School gardens and biofertilization as a strategy towards climate change mitigation and adaptation in Costa Rica. InterSedes 22(45): 1-19.
Rojas C, Rojas PA, Stephenson SL. 2021. Phenology of myxomycetes in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Karstenia 59(1-2): 1-12.
Rojas C, Matarrita-Gutiérrez K, Rojas PA, Rollins AW. 2021. Can the location of the isolation laboratory affect the generation of myxomycete data using moist chambers? An experiment in the Neotropics. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology (Journal of Fungal Biology) 11(1): 67-75.
Rincón-Marín C, García-Chaves MC, Valverde R, Rojas C. 2021. Myxomycete ecology in urban areas: rapid assessment from two cities. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology (Journal of Fungal Biology) 11(1): 57–66.
Stephenson SL, Payal N, Kaur G, Rojas C. 2021. Assemblages of myxomycetes associated with three different substrates affected by forest wildfires. Plant Ecology and Evolution 154 (1): 15-27
Rojas C, Valverde R, Somerville S, Rollins AW, Stephenson SL. 2021. Myxomycetes within forest ecotones in temperate and tropical forests. Uniciencia 35(1): 299-311.
Gerlach A, da Silveira RMB, Rojas C, Clerc P. 2020. Naming and describing the diversity in the Usnea cornuta aggregate (lichenized Ascomycota, Parmeliaceae) focusing on Brazilian specimens. Plant and Fungal Systematics 65(2): 272–302.
Gerlach A, Rodrigues D, Rodriguez JM, Rojas C, Temu S, Kantvilas G. 2020. A tribute to Philippe Clerc: an eminent and multitalented
lichenologist in Switzerland. Plant and Fungal Systematics 65(2): 240–246.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL, Rojas PA. 2020. Myxomycete colonization on translocated and non-translocated dead leaves from temperate and tropical forests. Studies in Fungi 5(1): 462-470.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2020. Comparative analysis on datasets of myxomycetes associated with boreal, temperate, and tropical regions of North America. Karstenia 58(2): 190-200.
Calaça FJS, Araujo JC, Cacialli G, Silva NC, Rojas C, Xavier-Santos S. 2020. Fimicolous myxomycetes: overview of their global
distribution and scientific production. Biologia https://doi.org/10.2478/s11756-020-00578-9
Lado C, Rojas C. 2020. Guía para la taxonomía y ecología de Myxomycetes. San José, Costa Rica: Lado C & Rojas C. 80 p.
Stephenson SL, Rojas C. 2020. Mosses as spore traps for myxomycetes. Sydowia 72: 215–219.
Stephenson SL, Marbaniang TM, Gupta P, Rojas C. 2020. Assemblages of corticolous myxomycetes associated with species of Pinus (Pinaceae) in four different regions of the world. Nova Hedwigia 111-199-217.
Quesada-Chacón A, Nakajima S, Rojas PA, Rojas C. 2020. Cuantificación estructural forestal según uso de la tierra y reservas
de carbono de FEIMA, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Revista Ingeniería 30(1): 59-74.
Stephenson SL, Stauffacher RW, Rojas C. 2020. Myxomycetes collected in the eastern United States and patterns of relative biodiversity. Mycology 11(4): 297-296.
Stephenson SL, Tawari L, Tewari S, Rojas C. 2020. Assemblages of myxomycetes associated with four different microhabitats in an old-growth red spruce/northern hardwood forest in West Virginia. Sydowia 72: 13-19.
Mora Chacón J, Nakajima S, Rojas PA, Rojas C. 2019. Efecto de la cobertura forestal sobre las características del suelo en la Finca Experimental Interdisciplinaria de Modelos Agroecológicos: un estudio de caso. InterSedes 42(20): 208-224.
Rojas C, Molina-Murillo S, Doss RG. 2019. Perceptions of the use and value of fungi by two different groups of young adults from Central America. Cuadernos de Investigación UNED 11: 345-351.
Rojas C, Valverde R. 2019. Towards an integrated approach of conducting fungal research in Costa Rica. Uniciencia 33 (1): 101-117.
Rojas C, Molina-Murillo S. 2018. Percepción ciudadana de los recursos fúngicos y potencial de micoalfabetización en Costa Rica. Scientia Fungorum 48: 23-31.
Xavier Dos Santos S, Cristina Moreira I, Rojas C. 2018. Las aventuras de trica: un mixomicete. Editorial Kelps, Goiânia, Brasil.
Lado C. Rojas C. 2018. Diversity patterns, ecological associations and future of research on Costa Rican myxomycetes. Mycology: doi: 10.1080/21501203.2018.1481153.
Lado C, Estrada-Torres A, Rojas C. 2018. New records of genera and species of Myxomycetes (Amoebozoa) from the Neotropics. Check List 14(3): 509-518.
Rojas C, Lado C, Rojas PA. 2018. Myxomycete diversity in Costa Rica. Mycosphere 9(2), 227– 255.
Sibaja-Matarrita R, Barboza-Chinchilla L, Rojas C. 2018. Can mycetozoans be used as health indicators of soil in the agricultural context of Costa Rica? Revista de Ciencias Ambientales 52(1): 161-174.
Rojas C, Kryvomaz T. 2017. Myxomycetes in the 21st Century. In: Stephenson SL, Rojas C. (eds.). Myxomycetes: Biology, Systematics, Biogeography and Ecology. Academic Press, Massachusetts. Pp 413-435.
Guyer HE, Rojas PA, Rollins AW, Rojas C. 2017. Mycetozoan incidence in soils and their potential for ecosystem quality assessment. Current Research in Environmental and Applied Mycology 7, 322-330.
Rojas C, Valverde R, Morales R. 2017. Functional variability of macrofungal populations in four different forest types of Costa Rica. Mycosphere 8(9): 1288-1296.
Rojas C, Morales R, Walker LM, Valverde R. 2017. New records of myxomycetes for Central America and comments on their regional distribution. Journal on New Biological Reports 6(2): 63-70.
Coto-Fonseca A, Rojas C, Molina-Murillo S. 2017. Climate Change-Based Modeling of Potential Land Use Arrangements for Coffee (Coffea arabica) and Forest in Costa Rica. CIGR Journal 19(4): 224-229.
Umaña S, Rodríguez K, Rojas C. 2017. ¿Do mountain microorganisms (MM) really work as a biofertilization strategy? A Biosystems Engineering Approach. Revista de Ciencias Ambientales 51(2): 133-144.
Coto-Fonseca A, Rojas C, Molina-Murillo S. 2017. Distribución potencial de tres cultivos agrícolas en Costa Rica bajo escenarios de cambio climático: implicaciones de manejo agroforestal y desarrollo socioeconómico. Revista Ingeniería 27 (2): 59-76.
Dagamac NH, Rojas C, Novozhilov YK, Moreno GH, Schlüter R, Schnittler M. 2017. Speciation in progress? A phylogeographic study among populations of Hemitrichia serpula (Myxomycetes). PLOS ONE 12(4): e0174825. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0174825.
Dagamac NHA, Novozhilov YK, Stephenson SL, Lado C, Rojas C, dela Cruz TE, Unterseher M, Schnittler M. 2017. Biogeographical assessment of myxomycete assemblages from Neotropical and Asian Paleotropical forests. Journal of Biogeography DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12985.
Rojas C, Valverde R, Rollins AW, Murilllo-Roos M. 2016. What can myxomycetes tell us about floricolous microbial systems? Nova Hedwigia 104: 211-220.
Rojas C, Valverde R, Calvo E. 2016. Does elevation influence the distributional patterns of tropical myxomycetes? A case study in Costa Rica. Mycology http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21501203.2016.1168885
Molina-Murilllo S, Rojas C (eds). 2016. The paradigm of the forests and the survival of the fittest. CRC Press, Florida.
Rojas C, Valverde R, Stephenson SL. 2015. New additions to the myxobiota of Costa Rica. Mycosphere 6: 709-715.
Molina-Murillo S, Rojas C, Somerville S, Doss RG, Lemus B. 2015. What do you think of fungi? Perceptions by “educated” groups in Honduras and Costa Rica. Brenesia 83-84: 30-36.
Rojas C, Lado C, Valverde R. 2015. First record of the myxomycete genus Colloderma in Central America. Checklist 11, 1716–1721.
Walker L, Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2015. The myxomycetes of La Selva Biological Station. Austrian Journal of Mycology 24: 99-111.
Rojas C, Zúñiga JM, Stephenson SL. 2015. Ecological niche modeling of some Costa Rican myxomycetes. Current Research in Environmental and Applied Mycology 5 (2): 153–159.
Molina-Murillo S, Rojas C. 2015. Rol de los biosistemas forestales en el desarrollo dentro de un marco de cambio climático. Revista Ingeniería 25(2): 3-18.
Rojas C, Valverde R. 2015. Ecological patterns of lignicolous myxomycetes from two different forest types in Costa Rica. Nova Hedwigia http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2015/0231
Rojas C, Rollins AW, Stephenson SL. 2014. Distribution of myxomycetes among the microhabitats available for these organisms in tropical forests. In: Misra JK, Tewari JP, Deshmukh K, Vágvölgyi C (eds.) Fungi from different substrates. CRC Press. Florida
Rojas C, Doss RG. 2014. Does habitat loss affect tropical myxomycetes? Mycosphere 5(5): 688–696.
Rojas C, Doss RG. 2014. Carbono, bosques y micorrizas: una “negación de investigación imperativa”. Brenesia 81-82: 91-95.
Leontyev DV, Schnittler M, Moreno G, Stephenson SL, Mitchell DW, Rojas C. 2014. The genus Alwisia (Myxomycetes) revalidated, with two species new to science. Mycologia 106: 936–948.
Rojas C, Calvo E. 2014. Additions to the myxobiota of Central America. Mycosphere 5(3): 488–495.
Rojas C, Calvo E. 2014. Forest biomass, carbon stocks and macrofungal dynamics: a study case in Costa Rica. International Journal of Forestry Research doi:10.1155/2014/607372.
Rojas C, Doss RG. 2013. Brief research history and conservation implications of myxomycetes from Costa Rica. Brenesia 79: 37-43.
Rojas C, Morales RE, Calderón I, Clerc P. 2013. First records of myxomycetes for El Salvador. Mycosphere 4(6): 1042-1051.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2013. Effect of forest disturbance on myxomycete assemblages in the southwestern Peruvian Amazon. Fungal Diversity 59:45-53.
Rojas C, Herrera N, Stephenson SL. 2012. An update on the myxomycete biota (Amoebozoa: Myxogastria) of Colombia. Checklist 8: 617-619.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2012. Rapid assessment of the distribution of myxomycetes in a Southwestern Amazon forest. Fungal Ecology 5: 726-733.
Herrera N, Rojas C, Stephenson SL, Franco-Molano AE, Echeverri F. 2011. Physarella oblonga-centered bioassays for testing the biological activity of myxomycetes. Mycosphere 2: 583-592.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL, Pavlich M. 2011. New additions to the myxobiota of Peru. Mycosphere 2: 583-592.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL, Valverde R, Estrada-Torres A. 2011. A biogeographical evaluation of high elevation myxomycete assemblages in the northern Neotropics. Fungal Ecology 5: 99-113.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL, Huxel G. 2011. Macroecology of high-elevation myxomycete assemblages in the northern Neotropics. Mycological Progress 10:423-437.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2011. Notes on a rapid assessment of myxomycetes for Kabylie, Algeria. Sydowia 63: 113-123
Carranza J, Rojas C. 2011. From the crossroads of the Americas. Inoculum 62(6): 11-12.
Ko Ko TW, Hanh TTM, Stephenson SL, Mitchell DW, Rojas C, Hyde KD, Lumyong S, Bahkali SH. 2010. Myxomycetes of Thailand. Sydowia 62: 243-260.
Rojas C, Schnittler M, Stephenson SL. 2010. A review of Costa Rican myxomycetes (Amebozoa). Brenesia 73-74:39-57.
Moreno G, Mitchell D, Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2010. A new species of Stemonitis from Costa Rica. Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid 34: 231-236.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL, Estrada-Torres A, Valverde R, Morales O. 2010. New records of myxomycetes from high-elevation areas of Mexico and Guatemala. Mycosphere 1: 73-82.
Win Ko Ko TW, Stephenson SL, Hyde K., Rojas C, Lumyoung S. 2010. Patterns of occurrence of myxomycetes on lianas. Fungal Ecology 3:302-310.
Rojas C, Valverde R, Stephenson SL, Vargas MJ. 2010. Ecological patterns of Costa Rican myxomycetes. Fungal Ecology 3:139-147.
Moreno G, Rojas C, Stephenson SL, Singer H. 2009. A new species of Lamproderma from Costa Rica. Mycological Progress 8: 215-219.
Rojas C. 2009. VI Latin American Mycological Congress. Inoculum 60(1): 13-14.
Stephenson S, Urban L, Rojas C, McDonald M. 2008. Myxomycetes associated with woody twigs. Revista Mexicana de Micología 27: 21-28.
Rojas C, Schnittler M, Biffi D, Stephenson SL. 2008. Microhabitat and niche separation in species of Ceratiomyxa. Mycologia 100: 843-850.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2008. Myxomycete ecology along an elevational gradient on Cocos Island, Costa Rica. Fungal Diversity 29: 117-127.
Rollins A, Rojas C. 2008. Northern Thailand and the Mushroom Research Centre. Inoculum 59(2): 45-46.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2007. Distribution and ecology of myxomycetes in the high-elevation oak forests of Cerro Bellavista, Costa Rica. Mycologia 99:534-543.
Rojas C. 2007. Studying the myxobiota of the Amazon forests. Inoculum 58(5): 20-21.
Mardones M, Rojas C. 2024. El curioso caso de los hongos de Coto Brus y Osa, Costa Rica. Funga Latina 2: V2A6.
Rodríguez Quesada J, Rodríguez Mora K, Bernal-Samaniego CA, Jirón-García EJ, Rojas-Alvarado C. 2024. Development of Nanocellulose Hydrogels from Sargassum Seaweed as Controlled Nutrient Release Systems and their Application in Germination. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 25(11): 308–320.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2024. Fungal conservation through a private initiative: the Mushroom Research Centre (MRC) in Thailand. MycoAsia 2024/03.
Rojas C, Rojas PA. 2024. Nutrient cycling and carbon dynamics in an early successional forest in Turrialba, Costa Rica. InterSedes (in press).
Guzmán-Vindas G, Méndez-García M, Rojas C. 2024. El fenómeno ENSO y la precipitación de la Zona Protectora Monte Alto, Costa Rica. Revista Ingeniería 34: 1-6.
Rojas C, Doss RG. 2023. The power of teaming up: three stories of directed research in mycology. Funga Latina 1: V1A1.
Rojas C, Rojas PA, Méndez-García M. 2023. Myxomycetes of the Monte Alto Protected Zone in Costa Rica: a case study. Slime Molds 4: V4A9.
Coto-López C. Mardones-Hidalgo M, Aguilar-Álvarez R, Rojas C. 2023. ¿Podría un biomaterial hecho con Pleurotus ostreatus funcionar como filtro de agua? Funga Latina 1: V1A2.
Rojas C, Arroyo I, Doss RG. 2023. Ethnomycology, bioprospection and uses of mushrooms in Costa Rica. In: Semwal K.Ch., Stephenson S.L., Husen A., (eds). Wild mushrooms and health: diversity, phytochemistry, medicinal benefits and cultivation. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
Rojas C, Valverde R. 2022. Results of myxomycete experiments could be affected by temperature in “standard” laboratory conditions. Karstenia 60(1-2): 39-48
Rojas C, Valverde R, Rojas PA. 2022. Myxomycetes associated with three different types of Neotropical urban landscapes. Studies in Fungi 7:14.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2022. Myxomycetes associated with bryophyte mats in San Ramón, Costa Rica. Slime Molds 3: V3A6.
Rojas C, Rollins AW. 2022. The role of sampling methodology and site selection on myxomycete data from the Neotropics. Studies in Fungi 7(2): doi: 10.48130/SIF-2022-0002.
Morales RE, Rojas C. 2022. Mixomicetes asociados con Avicennia germinans y Laguncularia racemosa en el manglar del Amatal, El Salvador. Revista Minerva 5(2): 59-66.
Rojas C, García-Chaves MC. 2022. New records of myxomycetes (Amoebozoa) from Colombia. Journal of New Biological Reports 11 (1): 10–15.
Rojas C, Valverde R. 2022. Rapid assessment of myxomycetes in Isla Calero and Isla Brava, Costa Rica. Slime Molds 2: V2A11.
Leontyev DV, Schnittler M, Ishchenko Y, Quade A, Kahlert H, Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2022. Another species complex in myxomycetes: diversity of peridial structures in Lycogala epidendrum. Nova Hedwigia 114: 413-434.
Rojas C, Rollins AW, Valverde R. 2021. Generation of myxomycete data from three discrete experiments using moist chamber cultures in a Neotropical forest. Studies in Fungi 6: 450-459.
Kryvomaz T, Tran HTM, Rojas C. 2021. Uses, applications, and disciplinary integration using myxomycetes. En: Rojas C, Stephenson SL (Eds.) Myxomycetes: Biology, Systematics, Ecology and Biogeography. 2nd Ed. Academic Press, Londres. 493-531 p.
Salazar-Hernández B, Rojas C, Andrade-Torres A, Medel R. 2021. New records of myxomycetes for the state of Veracruz from Cofre de Perote National Park. Slime Molds 2: V2A1.
Leonardo-Silva L, Moreira IC, Camilo-Cotrim CF, Rojas C, Xavier-Santos S. 2021. Ecological aspects of myxomycete assemblages in two Brazilian Cerrado landscapes. Slime Molds 1: V1A8.
Salazar-Hernández B, Valverde R, Rojas C. 2021. A study case of two myxomycete surveys in a fir forest of central Mexico. Slime Molds 1: V1A5.
Arenas-Taborda A, García-Gaves MC, Niño-García JP, Rojas C. 2021. Myxomycete assemblage turnover across a moisture and elevation gradient in Costa Rica. Slime Molds 1: V1A4.
Rojas C, Rojas PA, Nakajima S, Doss RG, Rodríguez K. 2021. School gardens and biofertilization as a strategy towards climate change mitigation and adaptation in Costa Rica. InterSedes 22(45): 1-19.
Rojas C, Rojas PA, Stephenson SL. 2021. Phenology of myxomycetes in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Karstenia 59(1-2): 1-12.
Rojas C, Matarrita-Gutiérrez K, Rojas PA, Rollins AW. 2021. Can the location of the isolation laboratory affect the generation of myxomycete data using moist chambers? An experiment in the Neotropics. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology (Journal of Fungal Biology) 11(1): 67-75.
Rincón-Marín C, García-Chaves MC, Valverde R, Rojas C. 2021. Myxomycete ecology in urban areas: rapid assessment from two cities. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology (Journal of Fungal Biology) 11(1): 57–66.
Stephenson SL, Payal N, Kaur G, Rojas C. 2021. Assemblages of myxomycetes associated with three different substrates affected by forest wildfires. Plant Ecology and Evolution 154 (1): 15-27
Rojas C, Valverde R, Somerville S, Rollins AW, Stephenson SL. 2021. Myxomycetes within forest ecotones in temperate and tropical forests. Uniciencia 35(1): 299-311.
Gerlach A, da Silveira RMB, Rojas C, Clerc P. 2020. Naming and describing the diversity in the Usnea cornuta aggregate (lichenized Ascomycota, Parmeliaceae) focusing on Brazilian specimens. Plant and Fungal Systematics 65(2): 272–302.
Gerlach A, Rodrigues D, Rodriguez JM, Rojas C, Temu S, Kantvilas G. 2020. A tribute to Philippe Clerc: an eminent and multitalented
lichenologist in Switzerland. Plant and Fungal Systematics 65(2): 240–246.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL, Rojas PA. 2020. Myxomycete colonization on translocated and non-translocated dead leaves from temperate and tropical forests. Studies in Fungi 5(1): 462-470.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2020. Comparative analysis on datasets of myxomycetes associated with boreal, temperate, and tropical regions of North America. Karstenia 58(2): 190-200.
Calaça FJS, Araujo JC, Cacialli G, Silva NC, Rojas C, Xavier-Santos S. 2020. Fimicolous myxomycetes: overview of their global
distribution and scientific production. Biologia https://doi.org/10.2478/s11756-020-00578-9
Lado C, Rojas C. 2020. Guía para la taxonomía y ecología de Myxomycetes. San José, Costa Rica: Lado C & Rojas C. 80 p.
Stephenson SL, Rojas C. 2020. Mosses as spore traps for myxomycetes. Sydowia 72: 215–219.
Stephenson SL, Marbaniang TM, Gupta P, Rojas C. 2020. Assemblages of corticolous myxomycetes associated with species of Pinus (Pinaceae) in four different regions of the world. Nova Hedwigia 111-199-217.
Quesada-Chacón A, Nakajima S, Rojas PA, Rojas C. 2020. Cuantificación estructural forestal según uso de la tierra y reservas
de carbono de FEIMA, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Revista Ingeniería 30(1): 59-74.
Stephenson SL, Stauffacher RW, Rojas C. 2020. Myxomycetes collected in the eastern United States and patterns of relative biodiversity. Mycology 11(4): 297-296.
Stephenson SL, Tawari L, Tewari S, Rojas C. 2020. Assemblages of myxomycetes associated with four different microhabitats in an old-growth red spruce/northern hardwood forest in West Virginia. Sydowia 72: 13-19.
Mora Chacón J, Nakajima S, Rojas PA, Rojas C. 2019. Efecto de la cobertura forestal sobre las características del suelo en la Finca Experimental Interdisciplinaria de Modelos Agroecológicos: un estudio de caso. InterSedes 42(20): 208-224.
Rojas C, Molina-Murillo S, Doss RG. 2019. Perceptions of the use and value of fungi by two different groups of young adults from Central America. Cuadernos de Investigación UNED 11: 345-351.
Rojas C, Valverde R. 2019. Towards an integrated approach of conducting fungal research in Costa Rica. Uniciencia 33 (1): 101-117.
Rojas C, Molina-Murillo S. 2018. Percepción ciudadana de los recursos fúngicos y potencial de micoalfabetización en Costa Rica. Scientia Fungorum 48: 23-31.
Xavier Dos Santos S, Cristina Moreira I, Rojas C. 2018. Las aventuras de trica: un mixomicete. Editorial Kelps, Goiânia, Brasil.
Lado C. Rojas C. 2018. Diversity patterns, ecological associations and future of research on Costa Rican myxomycetes. Mycology: doi: 10.1080/21501203.2018.1481153.
Lado C, Estrada-Torres A, Rojas C. 2018. New records of genera and species of Myxomycetes (Amoebozoa) from the Neotropics. Check List 14(3): 509-518.
Rojas C, Lado C, Rojas PA. 2018. Myxomycete diversity in Costa Rica. Mycosphere 9(2), 227– 255.
Sibaja-Matarrita R, Barboza-Chinchilla L, Rojas C. 2018. Can mycetozoans be used as health indicators of soil in the agricultural context of Costa Rica? Revista de Ciencias Ambientales 52(1): 161-174.
Rojas C, Kryvomaz T. 2017. Myxomycetes in the 21st Century. In: Stephenson SL, Rojas C. (eds.). Myxomycetes: Biology, Systematics, Biogeography and Ecology. Academic Press, Massachusetts. Pp 413-435.
Guyer HE, Rojas PA, Rollins AW, Rojas C. 2017. Mycetozoan incidence in soils and their potential for ecosystem quality assessment. Current Research in Environmental and Applied Mycology 7, 322-330.
Rojas C, Valverde R, Morales R. 2017. Functional variability of macrofungal populations in four different forest types of Costa Rica. Mycosphere 8(9): 1288-1296.
Rojas C, Morales R, Walker LM, Valverde R. 2017. New records of myxomycetes for Central America and comments on their regional distribution. Journal on New Biological Reports 6(2): 63-70.
Coto-Fonseca A, Rojas C, Molina-Murillo S. 2017. Climate Change-Based Modeling of Potential Land Use Arrangements for Coffee (Coffea arabica) and Forest in Costa Rica. CIGR Journal 19(4): 224-229.
Umaña S, Rodríguez K, Rojas C. 2017. ¿Do mountain microorganisms (MM) really work as a biofertilization strategy? A Biosystems Engineering Approach. Revista de Ciencias Ambientales 51(2): 133-144.
Coto-Fonseca A, Rojas C, Molina-Murillo S. 2017. Distribución potencial de tres cultivos agrícolas en Costa Rica bajo escenarios de cambio climático: implicaciones de manejo agroforestal y desarrollo socioeconómico. Revista Ingeniería 27 (2): 59-76.
Dagamac NH, Rojas C, Novozhilov YK, Moreno GH, Schlüter R, Schnittler M. 2017. Speciation in progress? A phylogeographic study among populations of Hemitrichia serpula (Myxomycetes). PLOS ONE 12(4): e0174825. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0174825.
Dagamac NHA, Novozhilov YK, Stephenson SL, Lado C, Rojas C, dela Cruz TE, Unterseher M, Schnittler M. 2017. Biogeographical assessment of myxomycete assemblages from Neotropical and Asian Paleotropical forests. Journal of Biogeography DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12985.
Rojas C, Valverde R, Rollins AW, Murilllo-Roos M. 2016. What can myxomycetes tell us about floricolous microbial systems? Nova Hedwigia 104: 211-220.
Rojas C, Valverde R, Calvo E. 2016. Does elevation influence the distributional patterns of tropical myxomycetes? A case study in Costa Rica. Mycology http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21501203.2016.1168885
Molina-Murilllo S, Rojas C (eds). 2016. The paradigm of the forests and the survival of the fittest. CRC Press, Florida.
Rojas C, Valverde R, Stephenson SL. 2015. New additions to the myxobiota of Costa Rica. Mycosphere 6: 709-715.
Molina-Murillo S, Rojas C, Somerville S, Doss RG, Lemus B. 2015. What do you think of fungi? Perceptions by “educated” groups in Honduras and Costa Rica. Brenesia 83-84: 30-36.
Rojas C, Lado C, Valverde R. 2015. First record of the myxomycete genus Colloderma in Central America. Checklist 11, 1716–1721.
Walker L, Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2015. The myxomycetes of La Selva Biological Station. Austrian Journal of Mycology 24: 99-111.
Rojas C, Zúñiga JM, Stephenson SL. 2015. Ecological niche modeling of some Costa Rican myxomycetes. Current Research in Environmental and Applied Mycology 5 (2): 153–159.
Molina-Murillo S, Rojas C. 2015. Rol de los biosistemas forestales en el desarrollo dentro de un marco de cambio climático. Revista Ingeniería 25(2): 3-18.
Rojas C, Valverde R. 2015. Ecological patterns of lignicolous myxomycetes from two different forest types in Costa Rica. Nova Hedwigia http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2015/0231
Rojas C, Rollins AW, Stephenson SL. 2014. Distribution of myxomycetes among the microhabitats available for these organisms in tropical forests. In: Misra JK, Tewari JP, Deshmukh K, Vágvölgyi C (eds.) Fungi from different substrates. CRC Press. Florida
Rojas C, Doss RG. 2014. Does habitat loss affect tropical myxomycetes? Mycosphere 5(5): 688–696.
Rojas C, Doss RG. 2014. Carbono, bosques y micorrizas: una “negación de investigación imperativa”. Brenesia 81-82: 91-95.
Leontyev DV, Schnittler M, Moreno G, Stephenson SL, Mitchell DW, Rojas C. 2014. The genus Alwisia (Myxomycetes) revalidated, with two species new to science. Mycologia 106: 936–948.
Rojas C, Calvo E. 2014. Additions to the myxobiota of Central America. Mycosphere 5(3): 488–495.
Rojas C, Calvo E. 2014. Forest biomass, carbon stocks and macrofungal dynamics: a study case in Costa Rica. International Journal of Forestry Research doi:10.1155/2014/607372.
Rojas C, Doss RG. 2013. Brief research history and conservation implications of myxomycetes from Costa Rica. Brenesia 79: 37-43.
Rojas C, Morales RE, Calderón I, Clerc P. 2013. First records of myxomycetes for El Salvador. Mycosphere 4(6): 1042-1051.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2013. Effect of forest disturbance on myxomycete assemblages in the southwestern Peruvian Amazon. Fungal Diversity 59:45-53.
Rojas C, Herrera N, Stephenson SL. 2012. An update on the myxomycete biota (Amoebozoa: Myxogastria) of Colombia. Checklist 8: 617-619.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2012. Rapid assessment of the distribution of myxomycetes in a Southwestern Amazon forest. Fungal Ecology 5: 726-733.
Herrera N, Rojas C, Stephenson SL, Franco-Molano AE, Echeverri F. 2011. Physarella oblonga-centered bioassays for testing the biological activity of myxomycetes. Mycosphere 2: 583-592.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL, Pavlich M. 2011. New additions to the myxobiota of Peru. Mycosphere 2: 583-592.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL, Valverde R, Estrada-Torres A. 2011. A biogeographical evaluation of high elevation myxomycete assemblages in the northern Neotropics. Fungal Ecology 5: 99-113.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL, Huxel G. 2011. Macroecology of high-elevation myxomycete assemblages in the northern Neotropics. Mycological Progress 10:423-437.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2011. Notes on a rapid assessment of myxomycetes for Kabylie, Algeria. Sydowia 63: 113-123
Carranza J, Rojas C. 2011. From the crossroads of the Americas. Inoculum 62(6): 11-12.
Ko Ko TW, Hanh TTM, Stephenson SL, Mitchell DW, Rojas C, Hyde KD, Lumyong S, Bahkali SH. 2010. Myxomycetes of Thailand. Sydowia 62: 243-260.
Rojas C, Schnittler M, Stephenson SL. 2010. A review of Costa Rican myxomycetes (Amebozoa). Brenesia 73-74:39-57.
Moreno G, Mitchell D, Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2010. A new species of Stemonitis from Costa Rica. Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid 34: 231-236.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL, Estrada-Torres A, Valverde R, Morales O. 2010. New records of myxomycetes from high-elevation areas of Mexico and Guatemala. Mycosphere 1: 73-82.
Win Ko Ko TW, Stephenson SL, Hyde K., Rojas C, Lumyoung S. 2010. Patterns of occurrence of myxomycetes on lianas. Fungal Ecology 3:302-310.
Rojas C, Valverde R, Stephenson SL, Vargas MJ. 2010. Ecological patterns of Costa Rican myxomycetes. Fungal Ecology 3:139-147.
Moreno G, Rojas C, Stephenson SL, Singer H. 2009. A new species of Lamproderma from Costa Rica. Mycological Progress 8: 215-219.
Rojas C. 2009. VI Latin American Mycological Congress. Inoculum 60(1): 13-14.
Stephenson S, Urban L, Rojas C, McDonald M. 2008. Myxomycetes associated with woody twigs. Revista Mexicana de Micología 27: 21-28.
Rojas C, Schnittler M, Biffi D, Stephenson SL. 2008. Microhabitat and niche separation in species of Ceratiomyxa. Mycologia 100: 843-850.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2008. Myxomycete ecology along an elevational gradient on Cocos Island, Costa Rica. Fungal Diversity 29: 117-127.
Rollins A, Rojas C. 2008. Northern Thailand and the Mushroom Research Centre. Inoculum 59(2): 45-46.
Rojas C, Stephenson SL. 2007. Distribution and ecology of myxomycetes in the high-elevation oak forests of Cerro Bellavista, Costa Rica. Mycologia 99:534-543.
Rojas C. 2007. Studying the myxobiota of the Amazon forests. Inoculum 58(5): 20-21.