Urban myxogastrids and potential applications for city management under the framework of the SDGs and IPCC guidelines in Colombia and Costa Rica
Period: 2021-2023
Collaborators. Dra. María Carolina García Chaves (University of Antioquia, Colombia), Dra. Ana Esperanza Franco Molano (University of Antioquia, Colombia), Dr. Juan Pablo Niño García (University of Antioquia, Colombia)
Collaborators. Dra. María Carolina García Chaves (University of Antioquia, Colombia), Dra. Ana Esperanza Franco Molano (University of Antioquia, Colombia), Dr. Juan Pablo Niño García (University of Antioquia, Colombia)
The main objective of this project is to generate empirical data to test the hypothesis that urban systems have an ecological effect on the fruiting dynamics of tropical myxomycetes that depend on the characteristics of the city. With this project, we are aiming to evaluate the effect of climatic, urban design and population-based variables on myxomycete information based on sporocarps. The idea is that a potential application of myxomycetes for urban evaluations of sustainability can be generated from this research.
Finished in December 2023
Finished in December 2023
Rojas C, García-Chaves MC. 2022. New records of myxomycetes (Amoebozoa) from Colombia. Journal of New Biological Reports 11 (1): 10-15.
Rincón-Marín C, García-Chaves MC, Valverde R, Rojas C. 2021. Myxomycete ecology in urban areas: rapid assessment from two cities. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology (Journal of Fungal Biology) 11(1): 57–66.
Rojas C, Valverde R, Rojas PA. 2022. Myxomycetes associated with three different types of Neotropical urban landscapes. Studies in Fungi 7: 14.
Rojas C, García-Chaves MC. 2022. New records of myxomycetes (Amoebozoa) from Colombia. Journal of New Biological Reports 11 (1): 10-15.
Rincón-Marín C, García-Chaves MC, Valverde R, Rojas C. 2021. Myxomycete ecology in urban areas: rapid assessment from two cities. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology (Journal of Fungal Biology) 11(1): 57–66.
Rojas C, Valverde R, Rojas PA. 2022. Myxomycetes associated with three different types of Neotropical urban landscapes. Studies in Fungi 7: 14.
Improvement of adaptation and environmental resilience practices in the Padre Benito Sáenz Preeschool: technical approximation to the transdisciplinary value of alliances in the frameweork of the SDGs and IPCC guidelines
Period: 2021-2023
Collaborators: Dr. Ronald Aguilar (Department of Biosystems Engineering, University of Costa Rica),
Ministry of Education of Costa Rica
Collaborators: Dr. Ronald Aguilar (Department of Biosystems Engineering, University of Costa Rica),
Ministry of Education of Costa Rica
The main objective of this project is to help the school carry out activities within the fields of action of the Engineering Research Institute of the University of Costa Rica that can facilitate the execution of sustainable development in the public school system of Costa Rica. We are working with school teachers and administrators in a process of self-discovery of sustainable practices that hopefully can have a more profound effect on school dynamics.
Finished in December 2023
Finished in December 2023
Products: Tangible products are not available due to the characteristics of the project. However, the group of teachers at the school decided to start making small changes to improve their indicators of sustainability. In the end, this project helped the school community to be more conscious of environmental issues and possible solutions.
Spatiotemporal dynamics of myxogastrids in different biosystems and relationships with bioclimatic and structural forest parameters
Period: 2018-2020
Collaborators: Dr. Adam Rollins (Lincoln Memorial University), Dr. Steven L. Stephenson (University of Arkansas), Dr. Carlos Lado (Royal Botanical Gardens of Madrid, Spain), Dr. Martin Schnittler (University of Greisfwald, Germany)
Collaborators: Dr. Adam Rollins (Lincoln Memorial University), Dr. Steven L. Stephenson (University of Arkansas), Dr. Carlos Lado (Royal Botanical Gardens of Madrid, Spain), Dr. Martin Schnittler (University of Greisfwald, Germany)
The main objective of this project is to create a baseline record of myxogastrids in the Turrialba area (Costa Rica) using a stable protocol over time, that along with a series of forest parameters, allow the evalution of a forest patch to retain microbial diversity with potential for natural resource management.
Summary: This project started in 2018 with field sampling and collection of substrate samples for moist chamber cultures. During the 30 months of field sampling, 66 species of myxomycetes were recorded, showing that about 7% of the world´s biodiversity of these amoeboid microorganisms is present in a 30 hectare patch of tropical forest. No evidence of strong association of species richness or diversity with forest parameters was observed. However, some structural characteristics of the forest and plant composition seem to be related with the myxomycete species recovered in different sectors of the forest. The ENSO effect may play a role on the fruiting pattern of myxomycetes at this site.
Finished in December 2020. |
Rojas C, Rollins AW. 2022. The role of sampling methodology and site selection on myxomycete data from the Neotropics. Studies in Fungi 7(2): doi: 10.48130/SIF-2022-0002.
Rojas C, Rollins AW, Valverde R. 2021. Generation of myxomycete data from three discrete experiments using moist chamber cultures in a Neotropical forest. Studies in Fungi 6: 450-459.
Rojas C, Rojas PA, Stephenson SL. 2021. Phenology of myxomycetes in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Karstenia 59(1-2): 1-12.
Lado C, Rojas C. 2020. Guía para la taxonomía y ecología de Myxomycetes. San José, Costa Rica: Published by Authors. 80 p.
Stephenson SL, Rojas C. 2020. Mosses as spore traps for myxomycetes. Sydowia 72: 215–219.
Rojas C, Rollins AW. 2022. The role of sampling methodology and site selection on myxomycete data from the Neotropics. Studies in Fungi 7(2): doi: 10.48130/SIF-2022-0002.
Rojas C, Rollins AW, Valverde R. 2021. Generation of myxomycete data from three discrete experiments using moist chamber cultures in a Neotropical forest. Studies in Fungi 6: 450-459.
Rojas C, Rojas PA, Stephenson SL. 2021. Phenology of myxomycetes in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Karstenia 59(1-2): 1-12.
Lado C, Rojas C. 2020. Guía para la taxonomía y ecología de Myxomycetes. San José, Costa Rica: Published by Authors. 80 p.
Stephenson SL, Rojas C. 2020. Mosses as spore traps for myxomycetes. Sydowia 72: 215–219.
Climate change monitoring baseline and sustainability of forest biosystems in FEIMA
Period: 2018-2020
Partners: FEIMA (Agroecological Model Experimental Interdisciplinary Station) at University of Costa Rica, JICA (Japanese International Cooperation Agency)
Partners: FEIMA (Agroecological Model Experimental Interdisciplinary Station) at University of Costa Rica, JICA (Japanese International Cooperation Agency)
The main objetive of this project is to establish, using a systematic and standardized methodology, a monitoring system to document climate and forest dynamics in FEIMA as a strategy to optimize economic and logistic resources.
Summary: This project started in 2018 with the measuring of canopy openness, tree diameter, leaf litter depth and presence of selected monocots in 45 sampling points in FEIMA. The forest in different sections showed unique taxonomic dominant elements but it was very homogenous in terms of vertical and horizontal structure. Climate data showed that FEIMA is located in a region with a 15% deficit of rainfall in comparison with surrounding localities and its management should focus on the representability of FEIMA´s forest in the local context. Results from this project were used to generate the management plan of the FEIMA station and established the baseline of data acquisition for climate change related initiatives.
Finished in December 2020. |
Quesada-Chacón A, Nakajima S, Rojas PA, Rojas C. 2020. Cuantificación estructural forestal según uso de la tierra y reservas
de carbono de FEIMA, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Revista Ingeniería 30(1): 59-74.
Mora Chacón J, Nakajima S, Rojas PA, Rojas C. 2019. Efecto de la cobertura forestal sobre las características del suelo en la Finca Experimental Interdisciplinaria de Modelos Agroecológicos: un estudio de caso. InterSedes 42(20): 208-224.
Quesada-Chacón A, Nakajima S, Rojas PA, Rojas C. 2020. Cuantificación estructural forestal según uso de la tierra y reservas
de carbono de FEIMA, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Revista Ingeniería 30(1): 59-74.
Mora Chacón J, Nakajima S, Rojas PA, Rojas C. 2019. Efecto de la cobertura forestal sobre las características del suelo en la Finca Experimental Interdisciplinaria de Modelos Agroecológicos: un estudio de caso. InterSedes 42(20): 208-224.
Soil restoration using biosystem dynamics and its implication in the process of bioliteracy
Period: 2018-2019 (extended to 2020)
Partners: Escuela Las Américas de Turrialba; Kinder Padre Benito Sáenz de Santo Domingo de Heredia; JICA (Japanese International Cooperation Agency)
Partners: Escuela Las Américas de Turrialba; Kinder Padre Benito Sáenz de Santo Domingo de Heredia; JICA (Japanese International Cooperation Agency)
The main objective of this project is to document, using a system of biofertilization based on effective microorganisms, the development of soil restoration in a microbiological context promoting the design of efficient systems for the management of soil in productive lands.
Summary: In Turrialba, results showed that plants growing in experimental plots were bigger and stronger than those in non experimental plots, regardless of the biofertilization technique. However, compost was the best biofertilization treatment. Soil quality was improved at the chemical, structural and microbiological levels. The presence of researchers in the school had a strong impact on the level of knowledge and interest of the children in organic farming. The complete experiment was transferred in 2020 to Santo Domingo de Heredia. With different soil conditions, the same protocol was implemented and results were consistent with those obtained in Turrialba.
Finished in December 2020. |
The University of Costa Rica interviewed Dr. Carlos Rojas regarding this project for the social scope of the original design.
Rojas C, Rojas PA, Nakajima S, Doss RG, Rodríguez K. 2021. School gardens and biofertilization as a strategy towards climate change mitigation and adaptation in Costa Rica. InterSedes 22(45): 1-19.
The University of Costa Rica interviewed Dr. Carlos Rojas regarding this project for the social scope of the original design.
Rojas C, Rojas PA, Nakajima S, Doss RG, Rodríguez K. 2021. School gardens and biofertilization as a strategy towards climate change mitigation and adaptation in Costa Rica. InterSedes 22(45): 1-19.